My gratitude journal today says I am thankful CB is going to keep writing! Our world is still full of challenges that are often “outside our circle of influence”. So posing thoughts to allow us to wonder is a wonder-ful escape and might just spark a change WITHIN our circle of influence.

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Oh my, I can relate on so many levels. What comes to mind when you’re describing the lessons you’ve learned (and continue to work on) is a handy tool developed by none other than Brene Brown. Permission Slips. This one on perfection:

“I give myself permission to stop at “good enough”, to get it wrong, or to allow it to be, (gasp!), messy. Done is better than perfect.”

Sending love, peace, and joy. So happy you will continue this post. It’s a great way to start off my Monday! ✨

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I love this beautiful photo of Walter watching the sunset and I’m happy you’ve decided to continue your posts. I always enjoy and appreciate your writings. Continuing to send best wishes, love, light and positivity to you, Theo and Water. ❤️

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